HDPE polyethylene is insensitive to attacks from most acids, alkaline solutions, many organic solvents and from hot water thanks to its good chemical resistance. It is a good electrical insulator and it can be welded easily. Its continuous operating temperature is between -50°C and around 90°C.
- a food quality
- a low friction coefficient
- very resistant to shocks and to wear
- excellent sliding properties
- wide operating temperature range (-50° to +80°)
- low density, strong tenacity even to cold
- easy machining
- good ultimate elongation
*Warning: a rough side and a smooth side protected.
- very good electric and dielectric insulation properties
- very low water absorption
- Permeability to water vapour
- High chemical stability
- good resistance to the development of stress corrosion cracking
- physiologically safe
- soft surface (low rigidity)
- non-weldable by high frequency
Industrial applications:
- Tote boxes
- parts of pump and valve
- parts for constructing storage tanks
- Components for medical application
- Seal
- guide profile
- bumpers
- Components for food industriy
- Making of cheese moulds
- Protection of walls and doors for barns
- Making of storage tanks for storing water or for fish farm.
- Orthopaedics
- Thermoformed handling plates for the automotive industry