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RMI web server for intelligent relay I3
This feature enables to configure web pages directly in the HMI with the I³Configurator programme.
The website and graphics are hosted on the controller micro SD card.
An i³ application, containing the controller's logic and graphics, and with FTP configured on the LAN port, is downloaded in the unit.
A second application i³Configurator must be created for the Web server with website files and graphics.
Memory adresses (registers), controller inputs and outputs are the same as those of the objects on the website.
Web files can be pusblished directly from i³Configurator to the SD card in i³, by using FTP.
They can be visualised remotely from any PC or wireless device connected to the same local network.
Reference Number of
simultaneous users Number of pages Number of points
simultaneous users Number of pages Number of points
RMI_PRO254102350 000
* license included when purchasing I3AX, I3BX, I3CX, I3CM, I3DX
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